The history of winemaking has more than one millennium, but, despite such a respectable age, the craft continues to develop tirelessly: new technologies, recipes, methods are applied. Thanks to the…

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Certifying, apostilling - California apostille. New York apostille.
To describe all grape varieties, which number about 14 thousand, would need a whole book. But we will consider only the most popular ones, those without which modern winemaking would…


“A barrel makes wine” - this old saying is a reflection of one of the main processes in winemaking. Ripening in a barrel, the wine is enriched with countless aromatic…

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Wine as an element of culinary dish is no novelty for anyone. Such recipes have earned particular popularity in wine-making regions, but also in areas far from vineyards, wine is…

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Open any list of the rarest professions and almost everyone will find the profession of a wine taster. This trend is associated not only with the lack of special educational institutions where qualified tasters are trained, but also with high requirements that are imposed on such a specialist.

If practically anyone who wants to be a sommelier or cavist can be, because the main focus of these professions is the knowledge base of wine and the ability to communicate with customers (whether it’s a restaurant or a boutique), then a high sensitivity threshold of his organs of smell, vision and taste buds is important for a taster as well as an excellent sensory memory. It is on the basis of a comparative analysis that the tasting is carried out.

The purpose of the tasting is to assess the current state of the wine. Such an expert often does not have information on the cost of the wine being tasted or on its compatibility with any products, his main task is to identify problems (shortcomings, defects, diseases) of a drink at a certain moment. A qualified specialist knows about all the subtleties of changing the taste of wine at any stage of production and during any technological operations.

The process of tasting is carried out in an isolated room, hidden from extraneous sounds that can distract the taster, odors and noises. In addition to the “organizational” conditions, there are also requirements for the specialist himself: one day before the assessment event, he should not eat spicy, fatty, sour, sweet, as well as smoke and use perfume. All this may affect the work of its receptors, and, accordingly, the result of the tasting conclusion.

For cavists and sommeliers there is a strict binding to the workplace, for a taster this is not at all necessary. He can hold a tasting at one winery, and then immediately go to another production.

Although tasters do not always have a good theoretical knowledge base (about the date of the spill, year yield, etc.), today they are one of the most competent appraisal experts in winemaking: the results of their tastings most accurately reflect the quality and potential of the investigated wine. Club Grapes holds wine tastings in Kazakhstan.

Combine pleasure with benefit - attend wine exhibitions! On the one hand, you drink different wines, on the other hand, you increase your level of professionalism in the diverse world…


If you have ever seen how a specially trained person slowly pours wine from a bottle into a decanter, and then pours it into guests' glasses, then you are already…
