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The most expensive wines of the world
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The most expensive wines of the world
For these "blue chips" of the wine world is a real hunt around the world. Forbes selected 10 bottles, which earned the most as a result of auction auction houses…

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“Planet” (“Planeta”) – here it is, the mafia of Sicily! Despite the very young age of the company, the results of its activities are simply amazing. In less than twenty years of existence, Planet simply captured the Sicilian wine market. The company owns 400 hectares of vineyards in 6 different places on the island. The supply of wine annually reaches over a million bottles in 70 countries.

17 generations of the Planet family lived on the island of Sicily and were engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. And once, in the 90s, Diego Planet, one of the family members, thought about the prospects for winemaking. Together with his nephews, Alessio and Santi, Diego planted the first vines. In 1996, they received their first harvest. The family was very lucky with the surname – it perfectly suited for the brand name.

In those days, the island of Sicily did not have the best reputation in the world of winemaking. The wines produced on the island were strong and cheap. The French bought them to assemble low-quality wines. At this time, the Planet family decided to change the situation and achieve the production of quality wine. The first step was the decision to grow world-famous grape varieties such as Chardonnay and Syrah. The goal was to change public attitudes to Sicilian wines. And only later the family will return to the native varieties Carricante and Fiano. And they will show what they can do.

In 1996, the first Chardonnay was born. From this point on, the family began to increase their ownership. To date, she owns 6 wineries throughout Sicily. Francesca Planet got behind the wheel of the company’s management at the end of the 90s. Today she is responsible for marketing and communications. Her role in the company can not be ignored. Francesca traveled a lot around the world and told people from all over the world about her wines and the island of Sicily. The result was not long in coming – the attitude towards Sicilian wines has changed. People began to love and appreciate wines from Sicily.

The family has achieved a staggering scale – 2.2 million bottles a year. But, despite this, business remains only a family affair. Six family members rule this vast empire. In order to get high-quality and aromatic wines, the family focuses on the terroir. A unique microclimate in different parts of the island gives the possibility of obtaining unusual and varied wines. This is what makes the Planet family unique.

All the wines of the Planet family can be divided according to their place of production. Total 17 items.

This is the main estate of the family in which they worked and lived for centuries. The villa, built in the XVII century, is located among the ruins of the Arabian castle, the mountain range and the lake Aranzio surround it from two sides. 94 hectares of vineyards are located here. This is one of the favorite places to visit tourists – people can walk along specially designated routes and get acquainted with the history of Sicilian winemaking in full. Guides lecture right in the field. There is also an opportunity to visit the Sicilian winemaking museum.

The following wines are made in the main estate:

Chardonnay IGT Sicilia is a revolutionary wine. An example of what a true Sicilian wine could be. Technically, this is 100% Chardonnay. Equal intervals of time are maintained in the old and new oak. Possesses storage potential – from 6 to 8 years.

Sicilia DOC Alastro – consists of 95% Grekaniko and 5% Fiano. Aged for 6 months. Storage capacity – from 4 to 5 years.

Maroccoli Syrah – red wine from the eponymous Syrah vineyard, located at an altitude of 450 meters above sea level near the coast.

Sito dell’Ulmo – Merlot – 100% Merlot. Aged for 14 months in oak. Storage capacity – up to 10 years.

Plumbago is 100% Sicilian variety Nero D’Avola. Aged in barrels for 6 months. Year of birth of this wine – 2008.

In 1998, the family acquires 51 hectares of vineyards, along with the estate Buonivini. It is located on the south-eastern part of the island. The climate of the local area is very hot. In order to improve the storage of wines, in 2003 a truly unique cellar was built. The ecology of this area is very good – the Sicilians are proud of the Nero D’avola and Moscato Bianco grapes grown here. The Buonivini district makes us happy with wines such as Santa Cecilia Noto DOC (from Nero D’avol) and Passito di Noto DOC.

This is the largest estate of the family. It is surrounded by 120 hectares of vineyards. This is where the Infernotto repository is located, in which all Planet’s wines are carefully stored. Also here is a library with a collection of ancient and modern books about wine and winemaking. The white and red wines of La Segreta come from here. Bordeaux Blend from Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc, as well as the famous Cometa from South Italian Fiano were also born here. Over wine Cometa worked since the 90s.

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