The air is saturated with intoxicating aromas of wines, incendiary music sounds in every corner of the city, and a good mood does not allow to fall asleep for a…

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Not all of us have a personal wine cellar at our disposal, which is an ideal place to store wine for a long time, or a closet with the ability…


Calvet - affordable luxury of French winemaking. Today Calvet brand wines (over 40 types) can be bought in 100 countries around the world, including in Kazakhstan. 70% of the total…

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Wine auctions or a bottle of wine for the price of a luxury car. For “hunters” for antiques, an auction is a great opportunity to purchase the desired lot (paintings,…

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Wine as an element of culinary dish is no novelty for anyone. Such recipes have earned particular popularity in wine-making regions, but also in areas far from vineyards, wine is successfully used in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes. What kind? Find out a little later.

If you choose wine for culinary purposes, then the need to buy only expensive and famous wines disappears, it is more expedient to turn your attention to cheap brands. The main requirement is naturalness and a rich bouquet. For the marinade use the cheapest samples, and for desserts or jellies – noble varieties.

In your recipes, be guided by the most common wine law: red wine – to red meat, white – to white meat and fish, to desserts – sweet representatives. “Accompany” the flow of cooked dishes must be the same alcohol. Fortified samples are the perfect complement for soups, marinade for beef and as a component of the sauce. Dry white drinks will add special piquancy to cheese and cream sauces. An interesting “tandem” is obtained in vegetables with white wine. The recipe contains eggs – supplement it with a pink elixir. The wine elixir with chocolate components does not sound: cocoa interrupts the bouquet of the drink, it is better to replace it with cognac or rum.

The most common application is marinade. Due to the high content of acids that soften the meat, cooking time is reduced. How much to pickle? Depends on the product: meat, and especially game, it is better to leave in the marinade overnight, 20 minutes is enough for fish. In addition to the wine, marinade safely add on your favorite spices. If you intend to make a sauce for meat, but you don’t know where to start, then just pour the wine into the pan, in which the meat was cooked, and evaporate it. For thickening add a little starch or flour. This sauce will emphasize the taste of meat and give unsurpassed smell.

A win-win version of fish sauce: mix the broth in which they cooked / stewed fish, white wine and cheese (cottage cheese). If alcohol is used in the recipe of the soup, then add it only at the end of the process, when the vegetables are fully prepared. “The more the better” does not work here. To add flavor to the dish, a few spoons are enough to extinguish the meat (1 kg) will require about 100 grams of alcohol.

All these recommendations should not be regarded as unshakable rules, be guided by your own tastes and preferences.

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Chilean wines
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