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Georgia is a delightful and beautiful country! The combination of soft subtropics, the Black Sea, the flowering valleys of the foothills, the rocky mountains, and the deep gorges that pass through the Caucasus Mountains delight and conquer with their beauty. In the valleys are located kilometers of young vineyards. Georgia is one of the first countries where the cultivated grapes appeared, from which real Georgian wines are made. Georgians are very kind and respectful of this industry, one might even say religiously.

There is a huge amount of facts confirming that winemaking in Georgia has existed since ancient times. Findings were found, indicating that much attention was paid to winemaking. During the excavations of the burial grounds of the Bronze Age, jugs with traces of grape seeds were found. Imprints of grape leaves were found on the stones. Found equipment for making wine and dishes belong to the III-II millennium BC.

In eastern Georgia, there is a region called Kakheti. It is the center of winemaking in Georgia since ancient times. It was here that the method of making wine was opened, which remains traditional to this day. The peculiarity of this method is as follows: special cone-shaped vessels were used for fermentation and aging of wines. Their capacity was 500 decalitres. The jugs were buried in the ground so that the hole was at the level of the floor. With such an exposure does not occur abrupt changes in temperature, thus, such conditions are considered very favorable for long-term storage of wines. After harvest, the crop is processed in special wineries – Marani. In large vats (satsaneli), made of wood, the grapes were crushed with their feet. Squeezed juice flowed through special gutters into a pitcher buried in the ground for further fermentation, aging and storage.

The modern fermentation process is different. Grapes for 5 days ferments on pulp. Then the juice is separated and poured into a separate fermentation tank. Less expensive wines are made from pomace juice residues from the pulp. As for the white wine – it is in the pulp for a week, and wanders until the formation of the finished wine. This method of fermentation gives Georgian wines a pleasant tartness.


Dry white wine. The pride of Georgian winemakers. Produced since 1886. The color of wine – light straw, has an excellent fruit bouquet, soft and delicate taste.

Red semisweet wine. Produced since 1958. It has a strong pleasant bouquet, the color of the wine is bright dark garnet, has a rare taste with chocolate tones.

Red semisweet wine. Available since 1942. Coloring wine – ripe cherry, has a varietal bouquet, delicate, velvety taste. It is one of the most popular wines of Kakheti.

Red varietal dry wine. Available since 1886. The color of wine – intense, thick dark garnet. It has a peculiar harmonious taste, gives a pleasant tartness. It is recommended when serving to fat Georgian dishes.

White semi-dry wine. It has a light straw color. Possesses harmonious sweet-sour soft taste and aroma of grapes.

Natural white dry wine. Produced since 1948. The color of the wine is golden amber, the aroma is a specific fruit.

Natural white dry wine. It has a light straw color. It contains a fruity aroma, has a fresh and harmonious taste.

White semisweet wine. Light straw color. It has a varietal aroma, soft, fresh, harmonious taste.

Red semisweet wine. Produced since 1977. Fresh bouquet and harmonious taste will not leave indifferent wine lovers.

Dry red wine. The color is dark garnet. It has a delicate and harmonious taste and aroma with tones of prunes.

Dry red wine. Available since 1886. The color is dark garnet. It has a pronounced fruity aroma, a complex bouquet, a soft velvety taste and a harmonious and beautiful aftertaste. It is considered one of the best wines of Georgia.

Red semisweet wine. Available since 1933. It has a dark ruby ​​color. Possesses harmonious taste and delicate aroma of grapes.

Red semisweet wine. Dark ruby ​​color, highly developed bouquet and aroma. The taste is harmonious and velvety with crimson tones. Make an excellent pair with all white meat or game dishes.

There are many fakes of Georgian wines. It must be remembered that the real wine from Georgia should not be cheap – the cost should be at least $ 10 per bottle, and everyone’s favorite Khvanchkara – $ 15. It can be noted that the most often forged semisweet wines of Georgia. Dry wines are extremely difficult to fake – they have a certain natural astringency. But the astringency of semi-sweet wines is not pronounced and not everyone will be able to recognize a fake.

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