"Georgia: the cradle of wine." It is under such a trademark that half a century ago Georgian wines came to the European market. Such an eloquent title is not at…

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Not every one of us can boast the ability to choose the right wine, and the store is often guided by the “generally accepted rules”: good wine is necessarily expensive,…


Calvet - affordable luxury of French winemaking. Today Calvet brand wines (over 40 types) can be bought in 100 countries around the world, including in Kazakhstan. 70% of the total…

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"Georgia: the cradle of wine." It is under such a trademark that half a century ago Georgian wines came to the European market. Such an eloquent title is not at…

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Neither the absence of palm in the category “the origin of winemaking”, nor the bans on wine production did not prevent the French wines from taking a place among the elite. And not just “to occupy”, but to head the elite division of the wine world. It is French wines that for many decades have been considered perfection and role models. The most titled in the world recognized French wines.

It seems that it was always like this, but centuries passed from the first French vine to leadership. Dozens of generations of winemakers, by trial and error, selected the ideal variety suitable for the given locality and climate.

The beginning of the era of French winemaking is considered to be the 7th century BC, when the Greek conquerors founded the city of Marseille. The Greeks taught the Gauls the basics of winemaking, but the 1st century BC was a real breakthrough in present-day winemaking in France. Although the Gauls lost the battle for territory to the Romans, they won the “wine battlefield”. The French improved the production technology, and first came up with storing the drink in barrels, which is much more convenient than Roman amphoras. The Romans did not forgive their neighbors for such success and almost completely destroyed all the vineyards. Fortunately, the dawn of Christianity came, in the rites of which wine was used. Demand for French wines gives rise to supply, and French winemaking has begun its victorious ascent.
Today, winemaking continues to evolve, however, now it is mainly a family business. Although the number of vineyards has decreased significantly, the wine variety is still large. To control production, wine classifications were developed: by origin, name, production technology, sugar and carbon dioxide content.

The current winemaking France consists of 12 regions. The leaders are Bordeaux, Burgundy and Champagne. These regions gave the world Chablis, Beaujolais and Medoc. Southwest Territories and Provence produce good wine with an optimal price-quality ratio. Wine from Corsica, Savoy or Jura is almost impossible to enjoy outside France. This is due to low production volumes.
French law also divides wine into four categories of quality:

Lower stage “table wines”. Of course, one cannot say that these French wines are bad, but it is unlikely that they will enjoy the unique taste when choosing such drinks.
Local (village) wines. Production must comply with strict rules and standards. The main difference from the canteens – mandatory quality control.
Top quality origin. This is a quality wine produced in good, but not the most prominent regions. There are no strict restrictions on the grade and volume.
Vintage (A.O.S.). Production is controlled by the government. The best wines of the country.
There are other classifications: by color (red, pink, white, gray), amount of sugar (dry, semi-dry, sweet) and aging (young, seasoned).

It is no secret that the same grape grown on different lands / climates will give different wines. And, despite the fact that there are countless grape varieties in the world, only 136 are cultivated in French lands. White wines are made from chardonnay, fol blanche, sauvignon blanc and colombard. The basis for the reds are merlot, cabernet sauvignon, and chamberlain.

French wines in Kazakhstan

A separate chapter – sparkling wines. The crop is harvested for them manually, and the production technology is carefully controlled by law. Developed even a special classification of sparkling wines.

One of the main requirements in obtaining a standing drink is a properly selected combination of soil-climate-vine (“terroir”).

Often, the production uses several varieties, which allows to achieve excellent results.

french wines

French wines are not always “transcendental” value. Today in Kazakhstan you can buy “decent” wine at a reasonable price. Among our compatriots the most popular French wines are:

french wine calvet chardonnay
White dry wine Calvet Chardonnay with a rich fruity aroma.
Calvet Medoc French wine
Calvet Medoc – an exquisite aroma of wild berries and a long aftertaste.
Calvet Merlot French Wine
Dry red Calvet Merlot has an elegant taste and a rich bouquet (black currant, cherry).
French wine Charton Rouge
The pleasant taste of Charton Rouge will be a great addition to any evening.
french wine calvet sauvignon blanc
Calvet Sauvignon Blanc – dry wine with a fruity bouquet.
french dry white wine Charton Blanc

The refreshing taste, fruity aroma and long aftertaste are all dry Charton Blanc.

Wine as an element of culinary dish is no novelty for anyone. Such recipes have earned particular popularity in wine-making regions, but also in areas far from vineyards, wine is…


Consuming wine, we use various accessories. They help us enjoy the process of drinking wine in a comfortable environment. Each of them is important in its own way, and in…
